MLWA Accomplishments
During the past seven years the Meadow Lake Watershed Association board and association members have accomplished the following:
- Published seven issues of the MLWA newsletter, Meadow Lake Matters, to inform watershed residents of association programs and recommended practices for improving water quality in Meadow Lake.
- Held annual MLWA meetings for all watershed residents. Each meeting included an invited speaker(s) with expertise in subjects of general interest for residents.
- Adopted and distributed an extensive Lake Management Plan and a strategic plan for 2010-2011.
- Created a MLWA website:
- Applied for and received three annual $1,000 grants from the Shingle Creek Watershed Management Commission to support MLWA’s community education efforts.
- Created portable yard signs which read: Every Curb Is a Shoreline and Every Home Connects to Meadow Lake.
- Completed an Earth Day storm-drain stenciling project in collaboration with a third grade class from Meadow Lake School. The stenciled messages remind watershed residents that run-off from yards and the street goes directly into the lake.
- Initiated an Adopt a Storm Drain program, where volunteers periodically remove debris from storm sewer intakes.
- Sponsored an Evening in the Park with John Hiebert of the Minnesota DNR who identified desirable native plants and undesirable invasive species for attendees.
- Supported and participated in a shoreline restoration project in Meadow Lake Park. The project was planned and coordinated by Jared Taitt as his Eagle Scout community service project. Funding came from the Shingle Creek Watershed Management grant, the City of New Hope, and area businesses.
- Provided a permanent sign identifying the coordinator and sponsors of the shoreline restoration project in Meadow Lake Park.
- Planted burr oak and red oak trees in Meadow Lake Park.
- Surveyed residents to identify wildlife observed in the Meadow Lake watershed.
- Surveyed lakeshore residents to assess current shoreline conditions and interest in future shoreline restoration.
- Joined children and teachers to plant the first three phases of a 10,000 square foot rain garden at Meadow Lake School.
- Provided a permanent sign for the Meadow Lake School rain garden.
- Applied for and received a $15,000 grant from the Minnesota DNR that supported a series of three educational workshops on shoreline restoration. This program provided both classroom training and opportunities for hands-on participation in a demonstration shoreline restoration project on Meadow Lake.
- Applied for and received a second $15,000 grant from the Minnesota DNR that will provide partial support for up to seven additional shoreline restoration projects by property owners on Meadow Lake during 2012-2014.
- Placed five Welcome to Meadow Lake Watershed street signs around the perimeter of the watershed to remind people that their activities impact lake water quality.
- Formed an Invasive Species Team. Team members are available to help residents identify and eradicate undesirable plant species.
- Publicized information on selected MLWA activities to local newspapers and television stations.